Local Impact in Forsyth County
Fostering a Thriving Forsyth County
We’re working to improve the quality of life for residents in Forsyth County, North Carolina, our own backyard.

We work so all residents can succeed.
Forsyth County can become a place with broadly shared prosperity, health, and educational opportunities for every adult and child. However, too many residents, who are primarily people of color, have been historically denied opportunities and access to the supports they need to succeed. We’re working to change these racist practices and policies.

In 2016, white unemployment locally was a low four percent compared to approximately six percent for Hispanics and Latinos, and more than eight percent for African American residents.
We envision an inclusive economy.
Data shows a wide range of income levels in Forsyth County. While many residents are working, they are not earning enough to support themselves and their families. Through alliances with community partners and investing in grassroots groups and leaders of color, we’re working to change this. Together, we’re striving to reconnect youth to work and school, strengthen the safety net, and develop lasting solutions to the root causes of poverty and inequity to create more economic opportunities for more people.

Special Initiative: Great Expectations
We invest in our children's future.
To ensure every child thrives, we’re working to make sure children enter kindergarten ready to learn and leave set for success, in partnership with community. We invest in decreasing racial disparities in maternal and child health outcomes, expanding access to pre-K, increasing support for childcare providers and informal caregivers, and providing inter-generational support for families’ educational success.
Funding Opportunities
Find out what we’re funding now.