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About These Tools

The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust is presenting these data tools for your information and use, but did not create them. These tools may be subject to copyright, and should be used within the terms of use outlined in any copyright restrictions.

Be Advised

We hope you find these tools useful. We advise you to keep in mind that the content in these tools may cover sensitive issues that could be triggering for certain individuals.

Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care Scale (ARTIC-10)

Author: Traumatic Stress Institute of Klingberg Family Centers
Tool Type: Assessment
Data Collection Tool

The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care Scale is a validated tool developed by the Traumatic Stress Institute to measure attitudes toward trauma-informed care among staff working in settings such as school systems, human service agencies, state agencies, healthcare, and research. Two versions of ARTIC are available and user-charge, which are ARTIC-10 and ARTIC-35. ARTIC-10 example is attached for your view.