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At the Trust, we use data to support ways to improve the health and quality of life of people with low incomes in Forsyth County and around the state. Our Data Resource Library now offers tools and reports relevant to our Health Improvement and Local Impact programs.  You can browse through all content or select topics such as ACES, Early Childhood Education, Medicaid, Social Determinants of Health and more.

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The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust is presenting data tools developed by local NC partners and researchers, but did not create them. These tools may be subject to copyright, and should be used within the terms of use outlined in any copyright restrictions.

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Category: School

Smart Start Community Indicators

Author: Smart Start
Tool Type: Existing Data Sources, Sample Resources, Data Visualization
Sample Resources

The Smart Start Community Indicators data dashboard provides insights and visualization on early childhood indicators for North Carolina.

Opportunity Youth: County Level Estimates

Author: Carolina Population Center at UNC-Chapel Hill
Tool Type: Sample Resources, Data Visualization, Guides, Reports
Sample Resources

This blog post describes researchers’ methodology for calculating a Youth Opportunity indicator using the American Community Survey microdata or individual record data.

North Carolina’s School Report Cards

Author: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Tool Type: Existing Data Sources, Dashboard
Existing Data Sources

This dashboard contains school characteristics and performance data at the state, county, district, and school levels. The variables include school discipline, drop-out trend, school enrollment trend, school performance (3rd-grade reading level and high school graduation rate, etc). Most of the variables are disaggregated by sex, race/ethnicity, and economic disadvantage. Furthermore, users can compare the school’s performance with another within the same geographic area.

Log Into North Carolina

Author: North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management
Tool Type: Existing Data Sources, Dashboard
Existing Data Sources

This dashboard is a user-friendly interactive data retrieval service containing historical information on topics including population, labor force, education, transportation, revenue, agriculture, vital statistics and health, environment and recreation, energy and utilities, and other topics. Each topic category provides comprehensive variables. For example, the vital statistics and health category has detailed data on births, deaths, pregnancies, marriages, divorces, nursing facility beds, beds in general hospitals, persons served in program facilities (NC alcohol and drug treatment centers, mental health development centers), and more. Most data are available at both the county and state levels, and registered users have access to full datasets.

E(RACE)ing Inequities

Author: Center for Racial Equity in Education
Tool Type: Sample Resources, Reports
Sample Resources

The report reveals the historical education disadvantages among students of color in North Carolina public schools and the indicators that cause the population less likely to succeed in school and professional development. It provides vital information and context surrounding inequitable structures and patterns within the public education system for school leaders and policymakers moving forward to address racial inequity and build a more equitable school system for the educational success of all students in North Carolina public schools.

School Climate Walk, Revised

Author: Originally from Baltimore Public Schools
Tool Type: Data Collection, Sample Resources, Assessment
Sample Resources

This observational assessment tool on schools’ culture and climate was modified from Baltimore City Public Schools School Climate project. This tool would be helpful as a starting point in measuring school climate and collecting baseline data to inform capacity building in schools.

Panorama School Climate Survey: Students Grades 6–12

Author: Panorama Education
Tool Type: Data Collection, Questionnaire / Survey
Data Collection

This is a survey tool to collect grade 6–12 students’ perspectives on how supportive their peers and teachers are with self-assessment on their relationships and attitudes toward others in school.

Kids Count Data Center

Author: The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Tool Type: Existing Data Sources, Dashboard
Existing Data Sources

This tool reflects data of various indicators related to child well-being, such as education, safety and risky behaviors, family structure and income, poverty, housing, and community environment. The data is at the city, county, school district, and state levels. It is updated annually, and when applicable, the data are stratified by race and ethnicity, age, and family nativity.