Health Improvement in North Carolina
Fostering a Healthy North Carolina
We invest in solutions that improve health for residents of North Carolina.
Equitable health outcomes is our North Star.
Data, community context, and the history of our state show that racism and lack of access to health care, educational opportunities, and economic mobility are inextricably linked. That is why through our Health Improvement work, we support equitable access to care, work to build equitable health systems, and invest in rural health solutions.

We support equitable access to care.
Our work includes strengthening programs that support community health and targeting health coverage enrollment outreach to underserved communities. We support efforts to increase Medicaid enrollment and ensure all residents can access quality health care coverage now that North Carolina has expanded Medicaid.

We work for equitable health systems.
We help communities and safety net providers adjust during a period of change, ensuring that those most impacted are included in critical conversations as our state navigates Medicaid transformation.

Healthy Places NC
Investing in the Power of Rural Residents
Healthy Places NC is the Trust’s work to improve the health of residents in our state’s rural and vibrant yet under-resourced rural communities.
Funding Opportunities
Find out what we’re funding now.