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About These Tools

The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust is presenting these data tools for your information and use, but did not create them. These tools may be subject to copyright, and should be used within the terms of use outlined in any copyright restrictions.

Be Advised

We hope you find these tools useful. We advise you to keep in mind that the content in these tools may cover sensitive issues that could be triggering for certain individuals.

Resilience Scale

Author: Dr. Gail Wagnild
Tool Type: Assessment
Data Collection Tool

This a valid and reliable self-assessment tool for individuals to measure their resilience, which is composed of 14 questions scaled from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). It generally takes three–four minutes to complete and has over 30 languages available besides English and Spanish.

Columbus County Focus Group Collection Tool

Author: Addiction Consulting and Training Associates, LLC
Tool Type: Focus Group / Interview Questions
Data Collection Tool

The Columbus County Focus Group Collection Tool serves as a brief focus group guide to gain perspectives from stakeholders in Columbus County on the existing resources, supports needed, and specific areas for growth to better address substance use issues in the community.

Food System Racial Equity Assessment Tool: A Facilitation Guide

Author: Lexa Dundore, University of Wisconsion-Extension
Tool Type: Guides
Data Collection Tool

This guide provides a practical step-by-step guide for group discussion on building a food system with racial equity, social justice, and sustainability. Recommended questions are listed and categorized by People, Place, Process, and Power for thoughtful discussion, which further helps key stakeholders identify gaps and issues that need to be addressed and move forward to inclusive programming and policymaking programs/policies.

School Climate Walk, Revised

Author: Originally from Baltimore Public Schools
Tool Type: Assessment
Data Collection Tool

This observational assessment tool on schools’ culture and climate was modified from Baltimore City Public Schools School Climate project. This tool would be helpful as a starting point in measuring school climate and collecting baseline data to inform capacity building in schools.

Bladen County Opioid Task Force Meeting

Author: Bladen County Opioid Task Force
Tool Type: Guides, Presentations
Sample Resource

This presentation outlines the strategic substance use plan with actionable recommendations in general and within particular sectors in Bladen County. These sectors include law enforcement, social services, child welfare, the school system, etc.

Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count Estimates of Homelessness

Author: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Tool Type: National Data Source
Existing Data Source

This data source provides annual counts of individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the United States at the state and county levels. Beginning in 2011, homeless veterans are also included in the estimates.

Examining the Impact of Community Health Produce Prescription Initiative

Author: Partnerships to Improve Community Health
Tool Type: Reports
Sample Resource

This research study shows that the produce prescription program positively impacts the local fruit and vegetable purchasing and consumption among low-resourced neighborhoods in Northeastern North Carolina.

NC Labor & Economic Analysis

Author: North Carolina Department of Commerce
Tool Type: Dashboard
Existing Data Source

This data provides the historical and latest labor market information in North Carolina. The data includes industry employment (QCEW), unemployment rates (LAUS), payroll jobs (CES), employment by occupation (OEWS), the largest employers, and employment projections at the state, county, or regional levels. Most of the data are up-to-date, and when applicable, data can be viewed by month or annual average.