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About These Tools
The Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust is presenting these data tools for your information and use, but did not create them. These tools may be subject to copyright, and should be used within the terms of use outlined in any copyright restrictions.
Be Advised
We hope you find these tools useful. We advise you to keep in mind that the content in these tools may cover sensitive issues that could be triggering for certain individuals.
Category: Youth
Curbow Childcare Worker Job Stress Inventory
This inventory serves as a useful check-in tool on wellbeing and the working environment toward childcare workers. Each question in the assessment tool is scaled from 0 (Rarely/Never) to 4 (Most of the time/Always) in three areas: Job Demand, Job Resources, and Job Control.
Panorama School Climate Survey: Grades 3–5
This survey tool can be used to collect students’ perspectives on how supportive their peers and teachers are with self-assessment on their own attitudes and relationships toward others in the school.
Trauma Sensitive School Checklist
This checklist is an assessment tool to evaluate the readiness of trauma-sensitive schools by measuring five components of school-wide policies and practices, classroom strategies and techniques, collaborations and linkages of mental health, family partnerships, and community linkages. This tool could be useful in providing data or as an evaluation tool.
Panorama School Climate Survey: Teachers and Staff
The Panorama School Climate Survey is a tool to collect perspectives on the school climate and attitudes toward the working environment among teachers and staff in school. There is a 5 scale for each question in the survey.
Roadmap of Need (2019)
The North Carolina Roadmap of Need (2019) is a county-level, child-focused needs assessment report. Counties in NC are ranked based on various wellness indicators in four domains: health, youth behavior and safety, education, and economic development. This report can be used to see an overview of child-focused indicators of wellbeing, compare across counties, and advocate for resources or change.